Monday, 27 January 2014

Minimalism & Magnolia

Enjoy the views on these posts, as it is likely that things will not stay this way, and I will be forced to be realistic and paint the place mostly in magnolia to satisfy the would-be home-owners of today who like things to be (or at least start off) rather bland. It's very sad, but there you go.

There will be some posts coming up which will take you on a tour round the various rooms of the house and tell you all the usual things you get from an estate agent, and maybe I'll even get to use that word 'boasts', as in 'The property boasts a 7-piece bathroom suite' (something like that, whatever it is). I'll photograph each room as it is, probably tidied up a bit as I'm a right-brainer and that means hoarding and liking things I'm working on to be left out in decorative heaps (WHY do people find this so hard to understand and refer to my 'untidiness'?) It's going to be a hard few months, a bit like a cat pretending to be a dog because it's living in a dog-lover's house. Awkward. But left-brainers seem to rule the world, so I will have to comply in this short-term exercise.

Then I'll put up some pics with the place made to fit the world I have to live in.

Eventually I might have a house again that I can live in properly, as I was starting to do here.

No pictures with this one, I'm being minimalist.

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